Tyler ready to head to school without a tear! |
Wow, this has been a very interesting few weeks. Tyler is now in underpants all but when he is asleep. This is a HUGE break through with him. He has always been smarter then most kids his age, but he has some problems that most kids don't. For one, he has a really hard time with textures and eating a lot of foods. This has not really slowed him down, but it has caused concern for diet and growth. The doctor thinks he will be okay as long as he continues to eat the meats and veggies that he does. We are working on getting some sort of fruit in his diet, but it is a work in progress. We can not force foods on him like most parents can as it causes him to vomit over and over till whatever was in his stomach isn't anymore. So, we try things slowly and only if he wants to. The good news is he loves milk so that helps keep weight on him, even though he is small for his age and the doctor worries because he is only 36 pounds and 5 in four months.
Jason and Tyler cuddling |
Jason and I have been learning to deal with stress without smoking and it has been a chore at some times. The kids have been home more then not lately and it has caused us to want to pull out our hair. Tyler is now going to pre-k full time and not crying about it anymore and that is another HUGE step for him. The other two kids are having to relearn how to listen and work with us. I am not sure what happened, but we lost grip on them for a bit. Now that Jason is working part-time we have to work around that and college to still try to have time for fun and family. It can be a juggle at times and we are getting a schedule down now slowly. I do wish we had more time for each other or "alone time" together, but that doesn't seem possible right now. I also would LOVE to have some time to myself, you know ALONE, but that NEVER happens. As I said everything is a work in progress, but we are getting better at juggling it all everyday.
Just one of Jason's dinners |
One thing that has changed around here for the better is my wonderful husband has been more supporting. He helps cook dinner, and helps clean the house. Before I always felt as if no one cared or gave a crap I was worn out or needed help. Now, Jason is always asking me what he can do to help. He is a wonderful cook and I love it when he makes me and the kids dinner. He also has such great taste in everything that a lot of the time I want to just sit back and see what he does or comes up with! All and all we are getting through the bad and seeing the good in the future. We may still have some issues to work with, but we will make it as long as we are together. I love my kids, even if they drive me crazy, and I love my husband more then the world!
Smokey and Odie Puppy |
Odie is doing great. He has healed from his surgery and is ready to stud. We have a new little girl puppy coming to breed with him in the next month or 2. She is pure blonde so their babies should be interesting looking. We still a lot of cats, but we know that if we did not take care of them they would have to live outdoors and without anyone at all to feed them or take care of them. We have another stray that we are caring for named Hershey. He is all black and long haired. He seems to "deal" with the other cats and Odie but don't really like them. I hope to start finding homes for most of the cats that Norm will allow to leave. The two animals that I plan to keep is my Odie, of course, and we also seem to have gotten attached to a kitten we call Smokey. Those 2 animals are the ones we consider ours and want to keep them with us no matter where we go or what we do.
I guess that is about it for this update. I hope everyone enjoyed the photo's and we will continue to keep in touch. Things are always changing in this house, so it is pretty easy to write blog posts every few weeks. Thanks for following us and sharing our lives with us!