Sunday, January 22, 2012


Normally when I get upset I vent by grouching at Jason or writing it all out and then deleting it. I figured since I have a blog this is the perfect time to vent and have it to look back on later. Tyler woke up on Friday morning with a little bit of gunk in his eyes and they were slightly pink. I did not think anything of it because he did not complain nor did he act sick or different in any way. I have had a cold so I thought he was just starting to come down with the same cold I had. That was true in one aspect. He woke up on Saturday morning with really gunky eyes and the gunk was green. His eyes were bright red and looked BAD. I gathered up the gas money to run him to the Emergency Room. We did not have the gas to go to Springfield so I took him to Carlinville Emergency Room. Our visit went as followed:
Tyler right after ER before he felt bad
First they told us as soon as we arrived that they had no rooms available so they were going to put us in the triage room. The nurse came in promptly after that and took his blood pressure ( it was normal) his oxygen level ( it was 97 and that is good) and asked a bunch of questions while trying to get him temp. He would not allow the nurse to take it by mouth so she used his under arm and it came back okay as well.
We sat in that room for a half hour when a nurse came and said she needed our "room" and moved Tyler to the lobby. We sat there for about 15 minutes and then they once again came and got us and put us in an "out patient area". We sat in that room for another half hour or so when the doctor finally came in to see him. Of course this whole time Tyler is acting out and whining because he is bored as I forgot to bring things with us for him to do.
The doctor come in and stands about 3 feet away from him and says " Yep that looks like pink eye, and it is in both eyes. I don't believe in treating it with medications because it is viral and it will run its course just like a common cold" and continues on to say use over the counter eye drops and tylenol and he will be fine. He then walks out of the room. He never one time touched my child. This means he did not look at his ears, throat etc.
Starting to feel like crap, but trying to smile
We sat in the room waiting for the nurse to bring discharge papers for another 10 minutes or longer and the "doctor" came back by the room. I stopped him and asked could you please check his ears. I know that when you get pink eye it tends to come with ear infections as well. This is where I about lost my lunch.
He looked at me and said "um sure, but I don't want to get to close to him as he is highly contagious" He did NOT touch Tyler at all. He made me turn his head and hold his ears.  Then told me that they were congested and had the start of fluid to watch him closely it could turn into infection and once again left the room. The nurse brought in discharge papers about 10 minutes after that and we left.
Since then Tyler has gained a fever, cough and more nasty looking nose. I am almost sure it is a sinus infection on top of the ear problems and pink eyes and he says his throat hurts. From what I can see there are no puss pockets, but without a doctor I will not know if he has strep too. I have never felt so PISSED off and helpless all at the same time. This is the worst doctor visit I have EVER had in my life and I really wish it would have been for me, not my 4 year old little boy who doesn't understand why he feels this way.
Right before he fell asleep
I will be taking him to another doctor ASAP.


  1. I'm so sorry! Poor Tyler, he must feel just miserable! And the doctor???? If you don't want to be around contagious people, don't work in the medical profession. That's what gloves, masks and good hand washing are for. If he gets so thrown off by pink eye what about all the other contagious illnesses out there? A doctor who will only examine you if you are well is nothing but a sorry joke! Of course I'm sure the hospital bills for his "services" as though he were actually providing them.

    1. Thanks sis! I agree with you totally! I posted an update on him as a comment on this blog. He is doing much better. Jason is taking action against the so called "doctor". We can't let him get away with this, if it was something more serious he could have really caused harm to someone.

  2. UPDATE on Tyler:
    I took him to see his doctor today, Dr. Julie, who he has seen since he was born. First off, he is 39.4 lbs and that is really good. He was really under weight. He still is not up to what he should weigh, but we are moving in the right direction. Okay, as for his illness. Dr. Julie says that he does in fact have pink eye in both eyes and she put him on eye drops 3 times a day for 7 days. As for his ears, they were not horrible, but they still needed an antibiotic. She gave him one to cover his ears and he has a sinus infection as well that is causing the fever and cough and nasty nose. That medicine is 2 times a day for 20 days. She also updated his inhaler as his other one makes him sick because of the after taste. He is on that as a needed only basis and if he continues to use it more then once or twice a month he will have to be tested for asthma. Since we stopped smoking he has a chance of not having to be on an inhaler the rest of his life. I was also told to give him fever reducer every 8 hours for the first 3 days since he has had a steady fever. This is the first time in 2 years Tyler has been this sick. I am very disappointed in the other "doctor". but I am just so grateful that he is going to get better now! It has been a rough weekend and I look forward to my little man getting better and going back to school on Thursday of this week if his eyes look okay. Thanks to everyone for their concerns!
