Saturday, December 24, 2011

December Wishes

It is, once again, that time of year. The time of year that all we hear about is Christmas, presents, and Santa. We are meant to show good tiding and wishes towards all, but instead all we see is greed, bad moods, and rushing about.

I always feel sad this time of year. I have a very low income and my husband and I try to live as simply as possible, but even the schools play up trees, Santa and presents so what are we to do? If we do not give in to the cog of Christmas, then our children feel as if they missed out. If we do these horrible traditions that go against what we believe in, we end up selling out. It really is a no win situation. It is a battle we fight every year. Even if you are not Christian or don't believe in God you are made to celebrate this over-marketed holiday.

I have tried this year to make my kids understand that we do not celebrate Christmas because their parents do not believe in God. They must understand that if they choose to believe in God, that we will not judge them and we will support their choice. I also want them to know that they should love ALL people. They can't, even if they believe in God, judge others for their race or sexual preference. I want them to look at life with an "arms wide open" attitude and to love all human beings. I want them to give not just this time of year, but have the spirit to give and help ALL year long. I want them to understand that it is not what you have that makes you who you are, but what you do. I wish for them to live long and happy lives and be grateful for what they have, not what they can get.

If my kids learn these small things that mean so much to me, then I have done my job as a parent. I hope that the things I teach them stick in their heads and they teach their children as well. There is so much hate in this world and so much judgment that no one (even the God fearing people) really cares about human life anymore. Everything has to do with the almighty dollar and believing the way others do and fitting in. The longer this goes on, the worse off our future generations are going to be. Why can't America learn the simplest lessons? How do I make my children understand these things when all they see around them is sadness, greed, and hate?

My wish this December is simple. I wish everyone to have a warm bed to sleep in, food to eat, and love in their hearts. I know that this is something that will not happen for many. I hope one day that the spirit of LIFE returns to Americans. Instead of buying stuff for each other that we really don't need and buying toys our children can live without, I hope that we go out and take care of those who are less fortunate then us. I hope that instead of a diamond ring for Christmas, a hot meal and warm blanket is given to those who really need it. Basic things in life are all anyone needs to survive, yet America thinks that unless you have the biggest house or the nicest car, you are not anyone who is worth anything. This is a sad, sad world that we have created and we have to do something to fix it before it is too late.

Remember, this isn't about us, this is about the children. They are always watching and learning by what WE, as adults, do. What will you do this New Year to make your world a better place for all??

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